Gwent Public Services Board

3rd Business Meeting – 13:30pm Thursday 10th March 2022

Notes of Meeting





Organisation represented

Cllr Philippa Marsden (Cllr PM)

Caerphilly County Borough Council (Chair)

Cllr Jane Mudd (Cllr JM)

Newport City Council

Cllr Anthony Hunt (Cllr AH)

Torfaen County Borough Council

Huw Jakeway (HJ)

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWF&RS)

Ann Lloyd (ALl)


Pam Kelly (PK)

Gwent Police

Anne Evans (AE)

Torfaen Voluntary Alliance

Howard Toplis (HT)

Tai Calon Community Housing Ltd

Stephen Tiley (ST)

Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations (GAVO)

Dr Sarah Aitken (Dr SA)

Dir Public Health and Strategic Partnerships, (ABUHB)

Maureen Howell (MH)

Welsh Government

Amanda Lewis (AL)

National Probation Service

Beverly Owen (BO)

Newport City Council

Paul Matthews (PM)

Monmouthshire County Council

Glyn Jones (GJ)

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Cllr Nigel Daniels (Cllr ND)

Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

Christina Harrhy (CH)

Caerphilly CBC

Jeff Cuthbert (JC)

Office of Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC)

Damien McCann

Blaenau Gwent CBC

Jon Goldsworthy

Natural Resources Wales

Cllr Robert Greenland

Monmouthshire County Council

In Attendance:

Kathryn Peters (KP)

Caerphilly CBC

Sharran Lloyd (SL)

Monmouthshire CC

Richard Jones (RJ)

Monmouthshire CC

Lyndon Puddy (LP)

Torfaen CBC

Andrew Parker (AP)

Blaenau Gwent CBC

Paul Cooke (PC)

Caerphilly CBC

Ruth Betty (RB)

Gwent TTP

Rob Hartshorn (RH)

Caerphilly CBC

Sarah King (SK)

Blaenau Gwent CBC

Eryl Powell (EP)

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Paul Massey (PMa)

Caerphilly CBC



Dr Ben Calvert (Dr BC)

University of South Wales

Cllr Tudor Davies (TD)

South Wales Fire & Rescue Service

Cllr Richard John (Cllr RJ)

Monmouthshire County Council

Mark Cadwallader (MC)

University of South Wales

Stephen Vickers (SV)

Torfaen County Borough Council

Steve Morgan (StM)

Natural Resources Wales

Michelle Morris (MM)

Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

Sian Curley (SC)

Office of Police and Crime Commissioner

Cllr Nigel Daniels (Cllr ND)

Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council



0.     Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair welcomed all attendees to the first hybrid meeting where a number of attendees met in person along with those joining online via MS Teams. She thanked Monmouthshire CC for making the arrangements and hosting the meeting. Apologies have been recorded in the table above.


1.     Notes and Matters Arising from the meeting of the Gwent PSB on 7th December 2021


All action points from the previous meeting had been completed or on the agenda for this meeting and the note was approved by the Board


2.     Agree Final Well-being Assessment and areas for response


Paul Cooke introduced his paper and gave a summary of the actions carried out since the draft Well-being Assessment was presented to the PSB on 7th December 2021. This included a consultation with statutory bodies and other organisations and individuals who provided feedback on the draft. The Assessment was amended in light of the feedback for the PSB to consider. The Assessment can be found here on the Gwent PSB website.

He then described the pre-cursor work carried out on the Response Analysis at which the issues raised in the Assessment are to be investigated in greater detail. There were 120 issues reviewed which were further compressed into 16 summary issues. The PSB had further combined these into 4 cross-cutting themes at the PSB development session on 14th February into;

·       Environment (Climate and Nature emergencies)

·       Economy and Infrastructure

·       Health and Well-being/Inequalities

·       Community Cohesion (including Community Safety and Substance Misuse


A special meeting of GSWAG was held on the 18th February 2022 to score the 16 issues. And it was proposed to use a standard approach to all response analysis areas to enable the PSB to compare them equally. 


Recommendations 1 & 2


Members were asked to consider 2 of the Recommendations set out at the end of the paper (as follows) and both of these were agreed :


·       approve the Assessment of Local Well-being for translation and publication by the statutory deadline of 5th May 2022.  Noting that translation may not be completed by the 5th May.

·       agree that the Assessment of Local Well-being be sent to the statutory recipients (under Section 37 (7) of the Well-being of Futures (Wales) Act 2015)


Recommendation 3

The PSB were then asked to comment on the following recommendation


·       agree the issues for further detailed investigation as part of the response analysis


SA felt that the Marmot proposal (to be covered under agenda item 3) would cover most of the issues identified from the Health Inequalities theme. She offered to go through the checklist to confirm this. PC suggested that each of the key themes was cross-cutting with environmental and community cohesion issues, for example, also having an impact on health. Therefore, although each theme may have a  designated lead, they should ensure that the impact from other themes was also taken into account when proposing the objectives for the Well-being Action Plan. SA thought this work would help inform the partnership structure but the prevention element was missing and would need some work to make sure it was taken into account across the key themes.


PK agreed that prevention should be a priority but should also risk assess what they would prioritise for action in the next few years, including looking for funding opportunities and ensure this was resourced.  SA said it was important to go through a process and develop a plan with opportunities and risks, focussing on the key issues. AL agreed and said they needed to be clear about what actions were going to be taken so progress could be tracked, and ensure leads could cross communicate to ensure the linkages between each theme. PC also agreed but highlighted that only key areas should be identified for action as it was not feasible to do everything. He suggested Lead members should look at the Response Analysis and come back with recommendations at the next meeting on 30 June.  HJ agreed with this approach. CH felt that the Chief Officers should carry out the Risk Assessment and make an early impact as well as plan for the longer term.


Action: SA to cross-check Marmot proposal covers issues identified for Health in the Well-being Assessment


Recommendation 4

PSB members were invited to consider the following recommendation:


·       consider lead members and resources for the response analysis phase.


SA agreed to Lead on the Health & Well-being Inequalities theme and to align it to the Marmot principles.

Cllr AH was happy to Lead/co-Lead on any of the themes but since the elections were due in May it would be difficult for any of the currently elected representatives to commit to anything at the moment and should return to this after the election period.

JC, ST and PK – agreed to co-Lead/support on Community Safety and Cohesion

JG volunteered SM to Lead on Environmental issues (incl Climate change & Biodiversity) in his absence.


KP reminded members  that subsequent to the last PSB Development Day it was questioned whether Economic Infrastructure should remain as a separate theme since this was already covered by different fora such as Cardiff City Capital Region City Deal and the CJC

HT – felt that he could contribute to the housing part of the agenda

SA also offered to cover the inequalities of access to work as this impacted on health inequalities

PM felt that the PSB should only focus on what they could realistically cover and that the Economic Theme should continue to be led by the other fora. SA felt that Housing should still be part of the PSB’s focus because of its effect on health.

JC said that Jobs and the Economy were still key issues for the PSB to be taking a key interest in. However, whilst PM agreed it was a key issue and that PSB should keep an interest in this theme, realistically, he wondered what the PSB could do to add value more than the other bodies already looking at this, particularly since the PSB met relatively infrequently. HJ agreed that it would be best left to groups looking at this. BO echoed this sentiment, commenting that at the macro level Economy should be addressed at CJC/CCR level but the PSB should keep a watching brief. Cllr JM also agreed that the PSB was not the most appropriate forum to be concentrating on the economy when others were already responsible for this. CH also agreed PSB should keep a watching brief and make the connections where necessary. SA felt that aspects of economy and jobs could be picked up in the other themes, especially as organisations within the PSB were large employers.


Decision on Recommendation 3 & 4

It was therefore agreed that the PSB would focus on 3 themes below with Lead/co-Leads attached (whilst keeping a watching brief/making the connections with Jobs/Economy):

·       Environment (Climate and Nature emergencies) – Steve Morgan (NRW)

·       Health and Well-being/Inequalities – Sarah Aitken (PHW)/Howard Toplis, particularly re housing (Tai Calon)

·       Community Cohesion (including Community Safety and Substance Misuse) – Pam Kelly (Gwent Police)/Jeff Cuthbert (OPCC)/Steve Tiley (GAVO)


The leads identified and agreed above would be responsible for carrying out the Response Analysis phase for their Theme area, leading to the production of the objectives for the Well-being Plan


PC also set out details of the work needed in the next steps following the delivery of the Well-being Assessment and the key milestones were as follows:

·       The detailed response analysis work will need to be completed, and the outline Well-being Objectives that will form the basis of the Well-being Plan to be considered and agreed at the PSB meeting on 30th June 2022

·       The Draft Well-being Plan to be approved by the PSB at the meeting 29th September 2022

·       Advice period Future Generations Commissioner (14 weeks) and Statutory Consultation (12 weeks) (Dates to be confirmed)

·       Well-being Plan publication by 5th May 2023



·       PSB Coordinators to send Assessment of Local Well-being to the statutory recipients (under Section 37 (7) of the Well-being of Futures (Wales) Act 2015)

·       PSB Theme Leads (outlined above) to lead the Response Analysis phase for their Theme area, leading to the production of the objectives for the Well-being Plan


3.     Proposal: Gwent Becoming a Marmot Region

SA presented the paper proposing that Gwent work towards becoming a Marmot region. She said that Welsh Government was supportive of the proposal and explained how it would work including the proposed next steps. These included an in-depth data analysis of health inequalities in Gwent, a series of workshops with the Gwent PSB and other key stakeholders and a discussion with Prof Marmot which would be recorded and made available for the PSB.


SA said that the Health Board would fund the work required with the governance being provided by the Gwent PSB, and GSWAG providing the function of the Steering Group. She would also need to look at how Marmot would fit into the Well-being Plan.


PM said that SA had made good progress on this issue working with Welsh Govt and others. He emphasised that Marmot also impacted on the other key themes and all other partners had contributions to make, not just those in the healthcare community. MH endorsed the proposal from a Welsh Govt perspective and felt that her team had a lot to learn from this especially on Health inequality and poverty. She was happy to act as the key contact within Welsh Govt. Cllr JM thanked SA for her work and gave her support and agreed it would have to align with the Well-being Plan. There was generally widespread agreement with the proposal from all members who supported collective working on the project.



Gwent PSB agrees to become a ‘Marmot Region’ and to work with the UCL Institute of Health Equity to inform development of the Gwent Well-being Plan

The PSB unanimously agreed the recommendation


4.     Discussion on the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and the urgent public sector planning required


CH introduced an item for discussion on humanitarian crisis in Ukraine to prepare for a collaborative response for welcoming potentially significant numbers of refugees. She explained that Welsh Govt had made it clear that it wanted to welcome people from the Ukraine. She suggested that Gwent should assess what was needed locally and look to respond on a regional level. For example, should there be on reception centre for Gwent or local authority level. Any action needed a make quick impact and perhaps consider setting up a multi-disciplinary team that would report to the PSB.


SA agreed that a regional response was preferable. JC had met with the Independent Police Advisory Group and that a regional approach was best with joint responsibility taken by all public service partners in Gwent. He was concerned that there was a risk to community cohesion, and care needed to be taken because of potential of reprisals against people of Eastern Europeans origin within communities. ST said GAVO were already working with community groups and individuals who were trying to provide practical help and support.


Cllr JM thought it was important to align with existing structures and engage with Welsh Government to understand what the requirements were. Newport already had some 20,000 people seeking sanctuary which already had a large community from Eastern Europe and would need to consider the impact, going forward. She also emphasised the need for safeguarding considerations and that Newport were keen to provide support but warned that they had limited accommodation available in the authority. BO supported this view and said community goodwill needed to be harnessed in a safe way, sharing resources and expertise across Gwent.


It was anticipated that Gwent could expect around 1,800 people from Ukraine if the UK accepted 200,000 people. PK said it was not clear how long support would be needed but a group of the most appropriate people should be assembled to set up the infrastructure as soon as possible to coordinate a response for Gwent. PM agreed that the potential impact of such large numbers was huge on housing, health and other services and that safeguarding was also an issue. He said that refuges from other parts of the world generally preferred to settle in Newport but hoped that other areas might be able to contribute more this time. They should consider scenario planning for accommodating different numbers of people, in locations close to schools and health facilities with less reliance being put on Newport.


RG said that councillors were meeting people face to face more now following the lessening of restrictions due to Covid-19 and there seemed to be more public sympathy for Ukrainian people’s plight. He suggested they plan for worst case scenario and coordinate the work together regionally but with local delivery in mind. HT said that Housing Chief Executives were working on the basis of accommodating 10,000 people in Wales (1,800 in Gwent) and therefore would need to consider re-purposing non-domestic properties as stock was limited. He welcomed any ideas on how to provide capacity to satisfy the likely demand. SA explained that people would require early mental and physical health assessments and also advised that Covid-19 vaccination rates were low amongst the Ukrainian population. AL supported this assessment.


HJ reported that SWF&R had donated end of life fire service equipment to colleagues in Ukraine and they were part of International Search and Rescue and have a team on standby to accompany a medical team deployment to the Ukraine border


CH summarised that members indicated strong support for a cohesive Gwent response, making use of existing structures and to create a Regional hub to oversee the work needed. She asked members to nominate their “Go to” staff and send details to her as soon as possible so that partners could begin working together promptly.


MH also provided a summary of the situation from Welsh Govt:


“The Welsh Government has been clear that the invasion of Ukraine by President Putin and the Russian state is an unprovoked act of war against a sovereign democratic state. Until the UK Government gives us clarity about the system for accepting refugees fleeing from Ukraine, we are unable to confirm the number of refugees that we are likely to welcome and support in Wales. However, Wales will play a full part in any schemes which are developed. We have started planning with local authority partners, third sector organisations and public service partners how we welcome people fleeing the conflict and to ensure support is readily available in Wales. We have set up a dedicated webpage setting out how people can help and sources of support for people directly affected by the war in Ukraine.


At present only the family visa route is open. The Home Office have announced some relaxations today. Basically if you have the documentation and submit electronically, you will not need to visit a visa centre. This should speed things up. The Humanitarian Sponsor route has been announced but is not open and no detail is available as yet. We are in regularly contact with UK Government (several times a day) as the position is moving very quickly. Our intention is that we should be able to develop a Wales-specific response, funded by the UK Government.”


Action: All Members to put forward representatives for Gwent coordination hub on the Ukrainian humanitarian response


5.     Gwent Test Trace & Protect Update

SA also introduced the report provided, supported by RH . She indicated that she would like a discussion on what should happen in the next 12 months as it would be a “transition year”. There was need to catch up on work that had been delayed for the last two years. She would like to continue foster the public health and protection sectors’ relationships that had been forged in the last two years. There was also a need to retain skills developed and further training and retraining of workforces to ensure the ability to respond quickly in future.


Vaccination remained a key defence for the future with those most vulnerable being vaccinated periodically but this would still be a huge ongoing commitment.  They should retain contact tracing for at least the next year as well as the ability to respond to new future need.


The Chair supported the call for maintaining and developing the system to enable public services to react to future needs.



The PSB unanimously noted the actions taken by the TTP service detailed within the report and agreed to support the continuation of work to explore transitioning of the Service, to provide greater benefits for population health outcomes.


The TTP may also need to present a further proposals paper in advance of the next meeting which could be circulated and agreed via email


8.     Progress Update: Gwent Community Safety Review


PK introduced the paper and explained that community safety was at the forefront of what they do and partners were working together to look at ways of solving future community problems. The Community Safety Partnership network was looking to identify problems at the earliest stage possible to make the biggest impact. HJ wanted to ensure that SWF&R were included in this work and that the Serious Violence Duty was also included in the remit of the working group.. Cllr JM was also keen to support this work.


9.     Next meeting, draft agenda and feedback


The Chair asked for members to provide feedback on how they felt the hybrid meeting had gone. The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday 30th June 2022 @ 13:00pm via MS Teams – and all future meetings would be at 13:00pm start instead of the previously agreed 13:30pm start.


Draft agenda items were as follows:


·       Ukraine response would remain an item on PSB agendas for the foreseeable future


·       The Draft Well-being objectives. These may be outline only as it will depend on how the work on Marmot had progressed

·       Developing a Regional Scrutiny. HJ asked that all statutory partners should be included in discussions, not just the local authorities


·       Participatory Budgeting. This concerned the fact that governance sits with the previous Local authority area and a paper may have to be sent for agreement by the PSB in advance of the meeting. ST had some comments on the paper and was advised by SA to forward them to her.


·       PSB Terms Of Reference ( TOR). These will be amended by officials in advance of the next meeting to further detail regarding values and openness, following discussions at the PSB development day in February


AH gave thanks and praise to the Chair for her chairing of the hybrid PSB meeting.


Meeting Closed

Action Summary


Agenda Item #

Action detail



Send Assessment of Local Well-being to the statutory recipients

PSB Coordinators


Check Marmot proposal covers issues identified for Health in the Well-being Assessment



Lead the Response Analysis phase for their Theme area, leading to the production of the objectives for the Well-being Plan

PSB Theme Leads


Nominate representatives for Gwent coordination hub on Ukrainian refuge response

All members


Forward comments on Participatory Budgeting to SA

ST (and any other members who may have comments)


Send feedback on Hybrid meeting

All PSB members